Women are people. Women face misogyny regardless of what they do.
Sometimes people do bad things. Some of the people who do bad things are women.
When women do bad things, that justifies criticism. It does not justify misogyny, or sexualized insults.
For instance: If a female politician votes against health care for poor people, it’s important to talk about how that will get people killed.
That doesn’t make it ok to call her ugly, mock her body, or make comments about how she needs to get laid. None of that has anything to do with health insurance. None of that is valid criticism. None of that serves any constructive purpose. It’s just misogyny.
Directing misogynistic insults at any woman is harmful to all women. It sends the message that there’s no problem with misogyny so long as the woman is a bad person who has it coming somehow. This implies that the only real disagreement about misogyny is about which women deserve it.
We need to object to misogyny in principle, regardless of who the target is. Misogyny is not criticism. It’s just destructive hatred.